A MAN pushed a woman into a hedge after an argument over an unpaid taxi fare turned violent.

Steven Kelley, aged 29, appeared in Weymouth Magistrates Court on Thursday, April 9 having admitted to assault by beating, and obstructing/resisting a constable doing their duty.

It relates to an incident on Sunday, March 10 of this year in Dorchester.

Robert Salame, prosecuting, told the court that police received a 999 call from a taxi driver, and in the background, an argument could be heard.

It was explained to the police that Kelley had got in a taxi and asked to be taken to the hospital so he could join his partner for her appointment.

Mr Salame said upon arrival, Kelley asked his partner to pay for the trip - but she refused as she didn't want him there to begin with and he was not invited - and Kelley became angry.

During the ensuing argument, she was pushed into a nearby hedge.

When police arrived, Kelley refused to let them touch him, lashing out at officers multiple times and trying to escape. This caused one officer to land painfully on their wrist.

Kelley was eventually wrestled to the ground by officers and handcuffed.

The court heard that Kelley, of Hawthorn Road, Charlton Down, has previous convictions, but the latest was in 2014.

Speaking in his own defence, Kelley said: "I was very drunk during the incident. I have since stopped drinking because I was very embarrassed.

"Sorry to everyone involved. I am trying to better myself."

Chair of the magistrates, Iain Stevenson told the defendant: "We have noted that you are very apologetic this morning and you have told us you have stopped drinking."

Kelley was given a 24-month community order, with a requirement to complete the Building Better Relationships programme and 10 rehabilitation activity days. Additionally, he is to pay two lots of £100 compensation to the victims in the case.

He was also ordered to pay court costs of £85 and a surcharge of £114.