A WEYMOUTH school has been shortlisted as a finalist in the national Queer School/College Awards 2024 for its commitment to LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusivity.

The Queer Awards are a new annual celebration recognising talented students, and allies, who are succeeding in their lives and the communities around them.

Wey Valley Academy runs a Diversity group every week which is led by Mark Chutter, Head of Performing Arts and Teaching and Learning Challenge Lead.

Mr Chutter said, "We have been working closely with Mel Lane of 'Space' and with Naomi Wilcox-Lee.

"Furthermore, we have also created staff champions and allies for our pupils alongside inviting guest speakers to talk to our students about the LGBTQ+ community .

"An example of this is Tamsin Little of Shire Hall who explored possible case studies from history of people who were sadly convicted under the justice system for expressing their sexual identity.

"Another example includes Dawn Henderson who came to school to discuss the Chesil Youth Pride event in June.

"Wey Valley will be participating in both the Chesil Youth Pride event and also in the Shire Hall event in July."

Headteacher, Tom Neill said: "I am delighted with this news regarding the final of the awards to be held in Birmingham at the end of June.

"I would like to congratulate all of our staff and students for making Wey Valley such an inclusive place to learn at the heart of the Weymouth community."