A 75-year-old woman caused a crash which left a man with six broken bones in his spine, a court heard.

Kathleen McDonald pleaded guilty at Weymouth Magistrates’ Court to causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate driving.

A court heard that the victim, Mr Kingsley White, was cycling along Higher Shaftesbury Road near Blandford when the crash took place.

Victoria Hill, prosecuting said: “McDonald was driving in the same direction and approached from behind. She failed to see him at all and by the time she did notice that he was there, she was unable to avoid him. There was oncoming traffic on the other side of the road which she would have collided with otherwise.

“The near side door arch and the wing mirror made contact and Mr White fell off his bicycle. He landed on his back with his feet sticking into the road. He describes experiencing immense pain.”

Ms Hill said Mr White was taken to hospital and as a result of the crash received multiple injuries.

It was reported that McDonald was travelling between 40 and 60mph on a single carriageway road with a limit of 60mph. It was a wide road and the sun had cast a shadow on the near side edge of the carriageway.

A medical statement read out in court revealed that Mr White suffered multiple fractures of the spine - with six broken bones in the vertebrae - and a 5x3cm laceration on his left thigh.

A court heard that Mr White’s mobility is improving, however when bending down low, such as when gardening, he still experiences pain.

Mr McGee, mitigating, explained that McDonald, of Fontmell Magna, lives with her husband who is disabled and she is his carer.

He said: “My client is 75 and has major responsibilities. She’s a carer. It’s going to be difficult going forward when she loses her driving licence.”

The case was adjourned until details of compensation to the victim could be confirmed.

District Judge Orla Austin told the defendant: “I do have to disqualify you from driving. I’m not going to finally sentence you. You are not suitable for a community order. It’s a matter of financial punishment. I can only award compensation if there is no other means of getting it.”

McDonald will appear at Weymouth Magistrates’ Court for sentencing on July 3.