CHRISTCHURCH Town Council has objected to revised plans for a new chalet bungalow in Mudeford.

The town council said the updated scheme “still fails to address the objections raised” over the last.

Permission is being sought to build a chalet bungalow on land at the corner of Comet Way.

Initial plans were objected by Christchurch Town Council in February for reasons including the loss of green amenity space, the design of the proposal ‘not being in keeping’ with its surroundings and traffic flow issues.

Following the objection, a revised plans were submitted which altered the proposed site to exclude the area of the grass verge on the west side of Comet Way and the diagonal footway area – both of which were designated as Adopted Highway.

The new scheme also expanded the bike storage area and maintained the building mass and siting as proposed in the initial scheme.

Bournemouth Echo: Proposed site planProposed site plan (Image: Birch Architects)

Christchurch Town Council’s planning committee discussed the changes at their April meeting.

Members heard how BCP Trees and Landscaping had expressed concern regarding the revised proposal, citing its “potential impact on the character and appearance of the local landscape”, as well as its effect on the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) trees.

The minutes of the meeting said: “Members emphasised the importance of safeguarding verges and open/green spaces, which are crucial for maintaining the character of the surrounding area, facilitating residents' recreational activities, and nurturing wildlife habitats.

“The committee agreed that the revised scheme still fails to address the objections raised against the initial scheme.

“Additionally, concerns were raised about the potential adverse impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties, as the rear of the proposal would overlook the nearby properties.

"Finally, it was stressed that the landscape characteristics of the proposal were not in keeping with the surrounding area.”

It was resolved that Christchurch Town Council would raise an objection to the revised planning application.

Residents have also submitted their own objections to the altered plans, expressing concerns over privacy, TPO trees, and the appearance of the proposed bungalow.

Some also noted an alleyway would be formed at the side of the property, and feared this would pose a security risk.

The planning application is yet to be determined by BCP Council.