A large unattended bonfire was found to be out of control in North Dorset. 

Fire crews from Sturminster Newton were called to a large suspected bonfire which was out of control in the Okeford Fitzpaine area at 10.51pm on Tuesday, May 14. 

Once on scene, the crew located the bonfire which measured approximately 10m x 8m. 

Due to the location of the fire, more assistance was requested from Sturminster Newton fire station to provide water and access. 

The bonfire was extinguished using a hose reel jet and hand tools.

A spokesperson for Sturminster Newton Fire Station said: "We received a callout on Tuesday May 14 at 10.51pm. 

"One crew from Sturminster Newton were mobilised by fire control to reports of a large suspected bonfire out of control in the Okeford Fitzpaine area. Once in attendance the crew found an unattended bonfire measuring approximately 10m x 8m.

"Due to the location of the fire a second appliance was requested which also came from Sturminster Newton to assist in the provision of water and access. The fire was extinguished using one hose reel jet and hand tools.

"If you are having a bonfire of any size please remain with the fire until it has fully burned out and inform our fire control online further information on this and bonfire safety can be found on our website."