Healthcare experts are urging people in Dorset to inform themselves about hepatitis C. 

Public Health Dorset has warned that some people could be at risk from the disease, particularly if they have injected drugs or had a tattoo in an unsterilised environment. 

It is also urging people to get a test if they think they need one.

A spokesperson for Public Health Dorset said: "Hep C is transmitted through blood-to-blood contact.

"if you have ever injected drugs, had a tattoo in an unsterilised environment or had a blood transfusion before 1992 you could be at risk.

"If you live in Dorset and think you need a test call 07557587512 or email

"If you would prefer to test at home, you can use the NHS test at home service:"

NHS England says that Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect the liver. 

If left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years.  

It often does not have any noticeable symptoms until the liver has been significantly damaged - meaning people may have the infection without realising it.

Symptoms can include flu-like symptoms, such as muscle aches and a high temperature, feeling tired all the time, loss of appetite, stomach ache and feeling and being sick