PLANS for a new decking at a quayside restaurant have been approved.

As reported, the new owners of La Lupa lodged the proposal to add the temporary decking in the car park of the restaurant at Poole Quay earlier this year.

Now, BCP Council planners have given the plans the green light, with the new decking adding an additional 20 covers to the restaurant.

In a planning statement submitted to the council new owners Cosmin Banu and business partner Nico said they would like to ‘extend and enhance’ the restaurant.

Bournemouth Echo:

This will help to accommodate the local community, visitors to the town and will increase employment in the area, the statement said.

The decking will replace two parking spaces at the front of the car park adjacent to the restaurant, fronting onto the Quay and with views out over the water.

It will have direct access into the existing restaurant, which has been on the quayside for 45 years.

The restaurant was taken over by Cosmin and Nico this year and reopened in March with a new lick of paint.

The pair promised it would serve ‘the best traditional Italian food’.