A conservation team has been hard at work cleaning up a Portland landmark.

A team from EuCAN have been clearing weeds and removing gates from tunnels at the High Angle Battery. This is part of the ‘Rediscovering High Angle Battery’ project.

As previously reported in the Echo, landowner Dorset Council secured just under £250,000 of funding from The National Heritage Fund to improve and preserve High Angle Battery, which is known locally as the 'ghost tunnels'.

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: "A team from the conservation group EuCAN have been hard at work over at High Angle Battery on Portland.

"From clearing weeds to removing gates from tunnels, the group of volunteers have been helping rejuvenate this important landmark as part of the ‘Rediscovering High Angle Battery’ project.

"A huge thank you to the EuCAN team for all the work they've done so far, and we look forward to them returning to the battery in the coming months to carry out more repairs."

Read more: Work to improve paths at High Angle Battery on Portland

Built in the 1890s to help defend the isle of Portland against invasion, the locally important site of High Angle Battery - also known as the Verne Quarry Battery - fell into a state of disrepair.

In 2022 its outdated interpretation panels and graffiti damage led to the site being placed on Historic England’s ‘at risk’ register.

Once the work has been completed, the battery will become a valuable local asset where events, tours and school visits will be carried out.

Last year it was said that a 'friends of' group will be set up to help with the long-term care of the site, which will be managed in partnership by Dorset Council and Portland Town Council.