An injured deer has been spotted on the roadside in Weymouth. 

Dorset Police received a report at around 7am this morning, Monday, May 13, of an injured deer on the side of the road near Manor Roundabout in Weymouth. 

Officers were in attendance at the scene. 

The local authority was also informed. 

A spokesperson from Dorset Police said:  "Dorset Police received a report at around 7am on Monday, May 13 2024 of an injured deer on the side of the road near to Morrisons roundabout in Weymouth.

"Officers attended to deal with the situation.

"The local authority has been notified."

While it is unknown exactly how the deer became injured, the incident recently follows a warning issued by Dorset Council urging motorists to take precautions on the county’s roads where deer may be present.

Dorset Echo: Deer in nature Deer in nature (Image: KnipsKaline from Pixabay)

Advice from the British Deer Society was shared by the Dorset Council after it was reported that between 42,000 to 74,000 deer-related collisions are reported in the country every year.

If you see an injured deer on the roadside, the society advise to pull over at a safe space and call the police, giving as precise a location as you can. Do not try to assist or move the deer as this can put you in danger.

If you hit a deer while driving, your priorities, in this order, are:

  • Keep yourself and anyone with you as safe as you can

  • Park your car in the safest place with hazard lights on  

  • Call an ambulance if human injuries warrant it

  • Call the Police

More information can be found on the British Deer Society Website: