CERNE ABBAS LENGTHMAN Scheme: Over its six months, this scheme has been very well received, so much so that the Parish Council has decided to facilitate it permanently.

Unfortunately, Dorset County Council has withdrawn their support which means that the Parish Council is £ 2,000 short on funding for 2012/13.

Do you have any fundraising ideas or perhaps you would just like to find out more in the first instance?

If so, please get in touch with Parish Clerk Andrea Schafer on 01300 341464.

ARTSREACH: The forthcoming presentation of Artsreach takes place on Sunday, March 4 in the Village Hall.

It starts at 7:30pm and is called “The Banks of Newfoundland”.

It is the story of how Dorset fishermen sailed across the Atlantic for the summer for hundreds of years.

Their aim was to catch cod off Newfoundland which could lead to great riches but was also tough and fraught with danger.

They had to battle with storms, icebergs and pirates to name just a few of their perils!

Bonny Sartin from the Yetties, Becki Driscoll and Nick Wyke perform in this story of music and rhyme.

Tickets are £ 7.50 for adults, £ 6 for under 18’s and £ 24 for a family of four.

They are available from Cerne Abbas Stores or by calling 01300 341332.

Refreshments will be available whilst doors open at 7pm.

BUCKLAND NEWTON BELL ringing – could this be a new hobby for you?

The bells of the Holy Rood Church have gone to Bridport for repairs and the current team of bell ringers are eagerly awaiting their return.

Now would be the perfect time to join them or just find out more if you wish – why not give them a call?

You can reach Nick, the Tower Captain, on 01300 345386 or alternatively call Jane on 01300 345477.

ARTSREACH: Are you free to be entertained on Saturday, March 1?

That’s when “The Buffalo Gals” is presented by Artsreach.

They are a five piece band, playing in the style of American country string band tradition.

Dazzling harmonies and expert dancing, led by a Canadian fiddle player will have you shouting “Yeeha!” in no time!

Tickets are £ 8 for adults, £ 6 for under 18’s and £ 25 for a family.

Please obtain them from Fran and John (01300 345543) or The Old Chapel Stores.

To find out more about “The Buffalo Gals” visit

SYDLING ST. NICHOLAS BINGO is being played in the village soon – put the following date in your diary!

On Saturday, March 17, a Bingo Night will be held in the Village Hall.

This takes place in aid of the Sydling Over-Sixties Christmas Dinner, the evening will start at 7:30pm.

All are welcome!

CERNE VALLEY A ROUND of golf…something you enjoy?

If so, the Cerne Valley Golfers would like to hear from you!

It all started last year when a small number of golfers from around the valley started meeting up for a number of golfing days.

These were greatly enjoyed by all but the group would welcome more members.

The cost of taking part is modest and the days always great fun, playing different opponents in different venues.

To find out more contact Ian Humphreys on 01300 342110.