• OUR Italian Mystery evening was great fun – we weren’t very good at it – but next time we should know what we are doing, and not have the solution before we’d actually finished!
  • THE Village Club AGM business was dealt with quickly, as the committee was re-elected en bloc; there was no increase in subscription, which at £5.00 for 10 meetings, with a speaker must be the bargain of the year!

Forward notice of our annual coffee morning being held on April 16th was announced, this is very important as it helps pay for our speakers & if we raise enough, we will give some funds to a charity.

We then had a break for refreshments, Fay donated some wine left from her party & we enjoyed that with a slice of cake to celebrate our chairman’s 65th birthday, then swiftly on to the main event which was: “It’s a Grave Business – Dead interesting Dorset” – Rob Curtis gave us a quick resume of burial habits from pre-Roman to the present day, I hadn’t realised that memorial stones for the common people were a ‘relatively’ modern thing.

We then enjoyed a canter through the graveyards of Dorset, seeing interesting, funny, macabre, moving, beautiful memorials and hearing some of the stories behind them. Rob is an excellent speaker and showed some good slides.

  • THE BENEFICE Candlemas service was a joyful occasion, with nearly 50 people filling our little Church – it is all about the Light of the World and not only were there lots of candles, but the sun was streaming in , filling the building with light.

We then moved over to the hall where we enjoyed coffee and caught up with our friends from Portesham and Abbotsbury.