WE WELCOME a new arrival to the village – on the 10th, April was born, to Amethyst, the Portland sheep at Higher Farm, mother & daughter are doing well, April was up & feeding in 20 minutes!

WEDNESDAY, 18TH APRIL at 7.00 pm (note the change of time) in the Village Hall, there is the Village Parish Meeting – this may sound boring & of no import, but if you live here you should come – our 2 Councillors work hard, and we should be able to spend a short time twice a year, hearing what they have been doing & are going to do for us.

I understand there are going to be two short presentations: one about the Neighbourhood Planning Initiative & how it affects us, the other is about improving the Mobile Phone Cover in the villages – so as many as possible should attend or else we will hear “Nobody told ME about that”!!

REMEMBER the St Georges Day Celebration on Saturday, 21st April, book your tickets from 871318 & be in the Church by 6.45 pm for a selection of English Songs (prompt start at 7.00 pm), followed by a Fresh Fish & Chips Supper in the Village Hall – it sounds like a good evening in store!