This has been a very exciting project. Osmington Village Hall (OVH) Trustees have worked very closely with Pete West, Renewable Energy Development Officer for Dorset County Council, who is funded for one day a week by The Big Lottery to help deliver a free solar panel scheme for up to six schools or village halls in Dorchester, Bridport and surrounding parishes. Osmington, luckily for us, is within the project delivery area.

Osmington Village Hall is a charity in its own right and must support itself. With 'green' energy and economy combined in this project, the installation of solar panels will help to maintain the hall in its position at the heart of the community, to the benefit the village and other user groups.

No planning permission was required for this installation, since the solar panels are considered permitted development. The roof was surveyed by contractor Chris Rudge and an Energy Performance assessment was carried out, which gave valuable advice on where OVH might be able to look at further energy savings. The committee will take this forward in due course.

The initial capital cost of solar panel installations will be met through a Dorset Energy loan facility, which will be paid off from retrospective community investment. Dorset Community Energy Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and able to raise capital through a local community share issue. Shareholders will be paid an annual interest of between 5% and 6% on their investment (and may be eligible for tax relief). The Village Hall will benefit from free electricity and hot water and Dorset Community Energy Ltd will retain the feed-in tariff income generated from the solar panel installation. This income will be used to pay annual interest to community investors, a final capital re-payment to investors and to meet on-going operational, maintenance and insurance costs of the solar panel installation.

The solar panels were installed on the south side of the roof on 5th May, despite the gusty winds. The electricians were on site on the 6th, and the system was fully functional in time for the hall to host the Polling Station on Thursday 7th May.

Osmington Village Hall has been very fortunate in having the whole installation paid for under the Dorset Community Energy grant, including the Immersun solar water heating unit, although initially it was thought this would have to be funded separately. Pete West has been extremely helpful and proactive in making this happen, and OVH are very grateful to him.

The success of this project has put the village hall into a very good position going forward. The hall’s electricity bills will come down considerably and the Immersun will provide almost all the hot water required.