• Applications have been received by Dorset County Council to upgrade certain ‘bridleways’ to the status of ‘byways open to all traffic’ (BOAT). The bridleways concerned are BR1 Bincombe Church to Coombe Valley Road, BRs11, 24 and 5 across the top of the White Horse via Pixon Barn to the A353 just south of Poxwell and BR26 from the bottom of Osmington to the top of White Horse Hill. If the applications are approved, it would permit all the routes concerned to be used by off-road vehicles including motorcycles. The applications will come before the DCC Roads and Rights of Way Committee at a meeting soon, and objections received before Friday 15 February will be considered at this meeting. Sally Little, Chair of the Osmington Society, is collating local responses, so if you would like to make an objection then go to the Osmington Village website at www.osmington.info, click on the Osmington tab, then News Headlines on the drop down menu then the bullet point ‘Bridleway upgrading...’. Sally needs your input by Friday 28th January, so ACT NOW if you consider vehicles on these bridleways to be unnecessary.

• The monthly Sutton Poyntz Society coffee morning in the Mission Hall was a great success, with even more people attending than normal. As usual, to complement the chance to catch up on village information and chat over a cup of coffee and excellent homemade cake, came the opportunity to browse a specially prepared exhibition. On this occasion it was the 25 years of the SP Village Women’s Institute. Formed on Wednesday 13 January 1988, the life of this WI branch was covered in no less than seven scrapbooks bursting with pictures and information. Also on display was the embroidery picture created by the ladies of the WI. Of particular note are the French knots which accurately depict pebbles on the Chesil Bank and, to prove they are in the 21st century, the use of computers to help with the design! The group meets on the first Wednesday in the month at the Mission Hall at 2.15pm, and new members are always warmly welcomed.

• Angels’ Community lunches are held in the Church Rooms on the second Monday of each month throughout the year to support the work of the Angels. The two course lunches cost £6 and are served at 12.30pm. The next is on Monday, 13 February and you can reserve a place by ringing 05601 792 905.