THE Friends of Radipole Park and Gardens reported on a busy year.

  • Together with the borough council they have undertaken a number of improvements, mainly around the tennis courts and children’s play area.

This year’s activities featured a sell out Quiz Night at the Centenary Club. Not only a very enjoyable social evening, it helped raise over £220, which was spent on various improvements.

The spring litter pick was also very well supported so the park and gardens were looking at their best when they hosted the start of the Parks Charity Walk, in April.

The Friends organised a number of activities and refreshments to support the walks in aid of the British Heart Foundation. The contestants and supporters were most grateful with the Brass Tacks band being particularly well received.

  • THE Friends Group funded two specially robust picnic tables in the play area, which the council installed.

Throughout the summer these were very well used and much appreciated, especially the table which caters for those with mobility problems.

  • A range of shrubs was purchased to enhance the area around the basket ball court, which the Council had cleared of intrusive vegetation.

As part of the Friends’ efforts to involve the local community with the gardens a group from Mount Pleasant Day Centre came to help plant the shrubs and it is hoped they will continue to help maintain the beds.

  • The borough council has also been busy improving the four tennis courts by the park area.

The fencing has been replaced and two courts have been refitted for public use.

One of the other two courts has been opened up to provide an overflow parking area, whist the other court has been converted into a multi-use games area.

These facilities have been very well used through the summer.

  • The Friends longer-term aim is to introduce new amenities and facilities for RPG. Some of these ideas include the provision of a heritage centre, cafe and toilets positioned next to the play area.

As well as enhancing the gardens, paths and play area and improving the skate park. they need to improve the field and football pitch.

A generous individual donation has been made to start this project!

  • Dorset County Council in partnership with Sustrans, are upgrading cycle paths around Weymouth and there is concern that a change to the path exit from the gardens into Radipole Park Drive, near the Alexander footbridge, is potentially dangerous.

This is being taken up with the authorities, but, in the meantime, members who use this path should take care.

The committee is currently considering plans for forthcoming events to build on past years’ success.

  • STELLA Maris Christmas Bazaar takes place on Saturday, November 27 at 1.30 pm in St. Augustine's Church Hall, Dorchester Road. Many stalls, lots of fun, refreshments and a visit from Father Christmas.