EACH week we ask someone to share one of their favourite recipes with readers of Taste.

This week it’s the turn of Christine Willis, who has just won a gold award for her gluten-free raspberry frangipane tart.

Although the recipe is a closely guarded secret, Christine has agreed to share her favourite recipe for gluten-free pizza.

She says: “There's something very satisfying about making your own pizza, add your own favourite toppings and serve hot from the oven and enjoy!”

Gluten-free pizza

Ingredients to make the base:

  • 250g (10oz) gluten free flour – (I used Juvela Gluten-free Mix)
  • 1tsp dried gluten free yeast
  • 1tsp salt 1tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil
  • 125-150ml (5-6 fl oz) warm water (40*C)

In a large bowl, combine the flour mix, yeast and salt. Stir in the oil and enough water to form a soft but not sticky dough. Knead the dough until smooth on a lightly dusted surface with the same flour. Roll the dough into a square or a round approx ¼” in thickness.


There really is no restriction to what you can put on your pizza base, top with whatever you fancy.

This is mine; Spread a thin layer of tomato puree on the base of your pizza base, then add… 

  • mozzarella cheese
  • sliced mushrooms
  • halved cherry tomatoes
  • a bit of basil, a few mixed herbs
  • drizzle with olive oil

Bake in a pre-heated oven for 12-15 minutes until golden, and then enjoy!

Oven temperature: 200ºC/400ºF/Gas Mark 6

Another version…

Spread a thin layer of tomato puree on the base of your pizza base, then add… 

  • mozzarella cheese
  • sliced mushrooms
  • red pepper
  • ham
  • a bit of basil, a few mixed herbs
  • drizzle with olive oil