Many people are concerned about the loss of sovereignty to the European Union. However, how many are concerned or even know about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?

This dangerous trade deal being negotiated between the EU and US and will be a loss of democratic control by stealth.

If passed, TTIP would allow corporations to sue governments for changes they feel might harm their profits. This appalling rule is embedded in many existing agreements and companies are already using it.

For example, Egypt is being sued for nearly £50 million for raising the minimum wage. Egypt raised the minimum wage in response to a demand of the Arab uprisings. Now that victory for the people is being undermined by multinational company Veolia, which is suing the government for the cost of raising workers’ salaries.

If TTIP goes ahead, cases like this could become widespread as more and more countries are pressured into accepting similar deals. TTIP is a global threat to democracy.

Do we want to pass control of our affairs to the transnationals over which we have no control?

If not we need to tell our elected MPs and MEPs.

Whilst our government promises that Euro powers will be renegotiated, economic muscle is being handed to corporations. It makes no sense.

Lee Dalton, Rylands Nook, Fairview Road, Weymouth