I have just read of a vision for a brave new world for Weymouth, courtesy of P. Radwell (Echo, September 26) where any serious debate on local issues that he does not agree with is likened to common sense being ‘torn apart like a chicken at a fox party’; where the arguments of minorities are simply ‘distrac-tions’ from the ‘real underlying issues’; and where tourism and the general environmental feel of the whole seafront area can be virtually disregarded.

This letter writer actually manages, in effect, to contradict him/herself by implying that anything which does not make money can be left to go to the wall.

So what about tourism in this light? Does this not generate wealth? In fact don’t large numbers of Weymouth residents rely on it?

And by the way, P Radwell, local councils were established not just to make money regardless, but to serve the interests of the community in general with all that that implies.

The only part of this rant that I can agree with is when he/she states local councillors face a ‘tremendous task’.

But that is the case everywhere where different community interests are involved. And it certainly does not help to attempt to ride roughshod over some of these in the name of appearing to be some hard-nosed, no-nonsense local saviour who has all the answers.

John Marshall, Lodmoor, Weymouth