• No doubt you will by now have driven over the new roundabout at Overcombe Corner, mainly because it is so big that you would have trouble trying to drive around it! Apparently it shouldn’t be that big, but County Council officials are quoted as saying it was “an honest mistake”, so that’s all right then! It was also an obvious mistake, which makes me wonder why someone didn’t spot it earlier, and also how many less obvious “honest mistakes” have been made?

• David Mannings called to say that the Bristol Regional Office of First bus has applied for an additional bus stop on the number 4 route, near Wyke Oliver Close. This would help to reduce the long walk to Chalbury Corner, but is no substitute for running the bus along Oakbury Drive.

• Regarding the lack of a bus shelter at the exposed K5 stand at the Kings Statue, the news is that work will not start on building the shelter until the end of May. However the latest advice is that we should wait in the K6 shelter, and then move along to the K5 stop when the bus appears. The obvious question is why, as a temporary measure, the Number 4 bus doesn’t pick us up from the K6 shelter until the K5 shelter is completed? A word of thanks to some of the bus drivers on the route, who have been waiting at K5 so that passengers can get on early out of the cold wind.

• The April draw of the St Andrew’s School 200 club took place in Mrs Boucher's year 4 class. Isabelle Saunders drew the £50 prize for Martin Westlake, Toby Wanless helped Caroline Naughton to £30 and Connor Frampton selected Mr Greet for the £15 prize. All the money from the monthly draw goes towards facilities for the children, so contact Helen Webb at helencwebb@fsmail.net if you would like to help.

• Maureen Bond tells me that the well known annual Preston Plant Sale will be held in the Scutt Hall on Saturday 4 May between 10am and noon. There will be stalls selling lots of different plants to brighten your garden, a wide variety of basket and patio plants and much, much more. Entry is free, refreshments will be available and they will also be raising Funds for Julia's House Children's Hospice.