DISPOSABLE cameras and smart phones are being used by young people in Weymouth and Portland in an exciting new photography project.

‘My Space. My Place’ is a targeted youth arts project aims to showcase the talents of youngsters who can share their communities through a series of images.

It was created and being delivered by youth film and arts mentor Jodie Whyte.

During a series of workshops delivered in children’s centres and youth settings young people are taught photography and media skills and are encouraged to involve the whole family.

Jodie says: “Project is an opportunity for local young people and their families to communicate to their communities what issues are important to them and what they value in their lives.

“The participants have complete control of the content and the brief is ‘honesty’ – its not about taking pretty pictures, is about having a voice, in a different way.”

More than 200 young people have taken part in the arts project and over 400 images have been submitted via online submissions.

Young mum Holly, a 17-year-old involved in the project, said: “This project is showing people a small part of the everyday lives of young people, and their thoughts. It could help to show how people live differently and what they feel is important to them.”

The aim is to have a collection of images that really represent this generation’s lives and share them on a multitude of platforms.

Local youth and parenting provision Parenting Platform Project is currently part funding the project. For information contact Jodie Whyte on 07795964025 or search ‘MySpaceMyPlace’ on Facebook.