A PORTLAND fisherman drew in the crowds after his catch of the day included a shark more than six feet long.

Jan Davey, 39, winched up a porbeagle shark onto Chesil Beach yesterday afternoon after catching it in a net.

Speaking to the Echo, he said: “It was caught in a trammel net about 300 yards off the Cove.

“I felt a lot of weight on the net. I thought it was something interesting but we couldn’t tell.

“I was pulling it up and then 30 feet below the boat I saw a white thing.”

Jan said they strapped the tail and brought it to shore, not knowing what species it was.

Jan said he took the shark back out to sea after being advised of regulations catching porbeagle sharks. Nevertheless, Jan said the shark wasn’t alive when discovered and he wouldn’t have gone near it if was.

He said: “I’ve been fishing here since I was 16-years-old. I’ve never seen anything like that so close to the shore.”