I READ with interest the comment concerning baby boomers.

I am one of that generation. Never before have I been been so ashamed of this and the age group below.

They have sacrificed the futures of their grandchildren and great grandchildren on the alter of their bigotry,xenophobia,self interest and stupidity.

Above all I am deeply ashamed of my country, England.

I will not include the Scots or the Northern Irish as they were the only ones with any sense.

I have spent the last few days apologising to my neighbours for the lack of intelligence shown by my fellow countrymen.

Just out of interest I will throw in a few facts: it takes 60,000 faceless bureaucrats to run the EU, the UK requires 350,000+. We may pay 350 million pounds to the EU but after rebates etc. this comes down to 150 million.

Also where will Boris get the two billion pounds paid to farmers in EU subsidies?

When Scotland achieves independence,as they surely will, let’s not forget they hold all the UK oil production on their soil,so you can forget any revenue from that.

I trust that all those who voted to leave the EU will be spending their holidays in Scarborough or Skegness this year as they clearly hate the Europe so much.

Keith Townsend

