Dorset Police's share of the council tax looks set to increase by £1 a month.

A consultation was carried out by the Police and Crime Commissioner asking whether residents would be willing to pay an extra £1 per month to support policing in Dorset.

More than 4,800 residents took part, which according to figures on Dorset information site Geo Wessex, is roughly 1.1 per cent of Dorset's total population.

Results show 79 per cent supported a rise for the police precept.

It is the responsibility of Police & Crime Commissioners (PCC) to take a decision annually on whether to raise or freeze the policing precept.

Previously, PCC's could increase the amount by a maximum of 1.99 per cent.

For the coming financial year, the Policing Minister suggested that PCCs could pursue an increase of £1 per month for an average Band D household.

PCC Martyn Underhill said: "I would like to thank everyone who took the time to have their say.

"This is always a hugely important piece of consultation, but given the unprecedented increase recommended by the Government, it was particularly vital this year that I gathered the views of as many residents as possible.

"I have been honest throughout that I am disappointed that the government failed to provide any additional central funding for Dorset Police, but confident that the income raised from a precept increase is necessary for the force to maintain a high level of service for the community.

"I am pleased that residents have appreciated this complex picture and have once again demonstrated just how important local policing is to them."

Residents were also asked if they felt that Dorset Police needed more investment.

A total of 90 per cent agreed that it did.

Mr Underhill said: "I have long campaigned for fairer funding for Dorset Police and this result tells me that residents support this and appreciate the challenges facing the service.

"The response also suggests that over half of those who said they would not be prepared to pay an additional £1 per month still recognise that the Force needs investment.

"Looking at those comments, many believe that the bill should be footed by central Government and others have expressed their support for the police, but concerns over their own financial situations.

"I fully appreciate both these challenges to the proposal.

"The reality is that Dorset Police has had its central government funding cut by more than £16 million over the last seven years.

"This has had an unavoidable impact on the force and the consultation shows that has not gone unnoticed by the communities it serves."

The proposal to raise the precept will be sent to the Police and Crime Panel in the coming days.

This group consists of councillors and independent members, who will offer their critique of the proposal and help to ensure the final decision is in the best interest of Dorset residents.

Following this, the PCC will make a final decision and any changes to the policing precept will take effect from the new financial year, starting from Sunday, April 1.