With the world's technology advancing, people begin to use it in more and more areas their lives and social media is one of the most popular forms.

Social networking apps can be a great way of looking back at memories and remembering all of those special times with friends and family.

People can also keep in contact far more easily whether its with loved ones living far away or friends you’ve known since school. Social media has in some ways, brought people closer together.

But has social media taken up too much of our lives? Do we waste too much of our time staring at a screen rather than interacting with people around us? Staring at a screen can take away some of life’s wonders and may affect certain parts of life. Social media is useful, but are we too dependent on it?

Many people have also become a lot more self-conscious about things like our body image and what we wear with the rise of Facebook and Instagram. Mental health issues are are on the rise and some of that is to do with internet trolls posting nasty comments and unrealistic beauty standards we see from celebrities.

According to ‘dosomething.org’ there are approximately 3.2 million victims of bullying each and every year with the figure rising.

There are many ways of staying safe online but if you do fall victim to online bullying call the national bullying helpline on 0845 22 55 787 and they can help.

By Emily Montgomery