After waiting more than a decade, children are now able to enjoy their new village playground.

It took a while, but for children in Litton Cheney the wait was 'worth it' when a new playground in the village playing field was unveiled.

A children's playground was first established within the village playing field in 1988. It was updated and modernised in 2007 and, following its recent reincarnation, it has become an instant hit with the youngsters of the village and their visiting friends.

The idea of updating, and adding to, the play equipment plus fencing it in had been mooted a couple of years ago but the pace of progress quickened when a team, headed by parish councillor Andrew King and assisted by villagers Diana Cheater and Hannah Bunting, began to get to grips with the needs, necessary funding and sourcing the appropriate play equipment.

Cllr King said the plan was to improve the playground and playing field and create a space that can be used by the whole community, especially children and families.

The equipment came courtesy of Damers First School in Dorchester after it moved to new premises in Poundbury. The equipment was refurbished ready to be relocated and Andrew and his team sought funding in order to finance the purchase and the physical setting up of the playground.

With the help of a Big Lottery Fund donation, S106 monies and The Litton Cheney Trust social committee, fundraising at various events in the village including a variety show, village supper and wine auction plus several private donations, the required amount was achieved.

The wet winter pushed back the scheduled opening of April/May, but villagers finally got their new playground on May 8.

Children, parents and local residents gathered for its official opening, with several children helping parish council chairman Bill Orchard cut the ribbon.