I’ve tried my best, really, I have, to keep remain silent re the ongoing Brexit drama.

But having read another one of Barry Tempest’s earnest proclamations about the political shenanigans and various opinion pieces that pervade Brexit.

Why we should all perhaps be treated to another referendum, etc etc.

But of course, all this continuing hoopla was easily predicted when the vote to leave the EU was announced.

Those with vested interests were apoplectic at such a treasonous result. How could it have possibly have happened, they all cried out!

Seemingly unaware that countless legions of voters would vote out of the EU if given the chance to do so. And they did.

And now, again, easily predicted, the spectre of Northern Ireland border issues has sprung up to counter any arguments that such issues might be resolved.

That, if we had voted to remain in the EU – be told what to and when do it by what is essentially an unelected bunch of bureaucratic foreigners, everything would still be roses around the door.

As for the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ Mr Tempest mentions, well, without going into all the gory details of that, it was nothing more than a ‘deal’ cooked up behind closed doors.

Okay, it did work, but let’s not give it the golden lustre it doesn’t really deserve.

And never mind what Nigel Farage and others are doing – as if what they do or don’t do has any real significance on the bigger picture.

Besides, tittle tattle is merely a cheap ploy to obscure the actual reality of what the EU actually represents.

It is common knowledge that forces during the Second World War and after it and before it, were determined to bring forth a European Community.

A nation state. Principally orchestrated by Germany. America was particularly keen on the idea too.

Because, in 1961, President Kennedy told Harold Macmillan, that the US would only support the UK’s application to join the Common Market if the UK accepted the EU’s goal of political integration. President Johnson said much the same thing.

During 1950, Clement Atlee had seen through the ruse. He did not want the UK to be handed over to an ‘authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody’.

It appears nowadays, that why the EU was brought into existence in the first instance has been conveniently forgotten. Brushed under the proverbial carpet. No surprise.

Andrew Martin