The liberally retarded globalists are on an inevitable slide to oblivion.

All across Europe and the USA the majority working class have woken up to the damage rich liberal leaders have done to their prosperity and culture through the demented ideology of liberally retarded globalisation.

Inside the EU we have seen mass movements of people from poorer countries to rich countries and courtesy of Mrs Merkel and the EU commission we have seen masses of young fit men from predominantly Muslim countries move into the EU. 

The biggest losers are the bottom 70% in rich countries as they are forced to compete with poor immigrants for jobs/wages/public services/schools/NHS etc.

The rich liberal elite who inflict these policies are unaffected negatively but have the positives of cheaper cooks/gardeners/plumbers etc and also of being able to virtue signal to each other about how compassionate they are to immigrants.

Anyone disagreeing with their viewpoint is regarded as a racist who doesn’t want any immigration. All most people want is a merit-based immigration system but that is against liberals’ ideology as it puts the citizens' needs before the immigrants' needs.

It is no coincidence that Poland hasn’t had one Islamic terrorist attack or have towns like Luton completely taken over by arrivals who have no intention of fitting in. Their leaders put Poland first. 

The patriots are coming and they include all races and religions. It’s about having full democratic control over your own country, common sense, exactly the same laws for all, all powerful positions filled by election not appointment and a complete rejection of liberal retardation.

Clif Moreton 
Essex Road