TRY as he may the 'suffering' Mike Joslin can't understand why older generations voted for Brexit. (Dorset Echo, July 30)

Here are 10 truths about the EU to help him.

1 Membership of the EU now costs over £1 million gross per hour: (UK Treasury).

2 For every £2 we pay to the EU, we get back only £1. (UK Treasury).

3 The unemployment rate in Euroland is two thirds more than in the UK (Economist).

4 UK trading is global not continental. It looks outwards not inwards.

5 European Monetary Union. A nation cannot function properly without control of its Economy and Money. Just look at the devastating effect it has had on countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, all with very high youth and adult unemployment.

6 The EU is committed to common Defence, Foreign and Immigration policies: (Amsterdam Treaty).

7 The EU Common Agricultural Policy costs the average UK family over £20 each week (OECD).

8 EU law overrides UK law: (1972 Act).

9 10% (£6 billion) of the EU budget is lost through fraud and misuse: (EU)

10 Nine out of 10 UK jobs are unrelated to the EU: (NIESR)

The EU economy is largely focused on the needs of Germany, and to a lesser extent France.

That many young people voted 'Remain' in the referendum is not surprising. They have never known anything else but EU membership.

Brussels and our own Establishment has subjected them to EU propaganda at school paid for by British taxpayers. The EU cleverly offers them freebies such as mobile phone roaming.

I want government accountable to the people with the possibility of 'voting the rascals out'. That is not possible with the remote bureaucratic EU. The EU parliament is elected yet 'strangely unaccountable' (Economist).


Portland Road, Weymouth