A new sculpture in Dorchester continues to puzzle – according to town councillor Alastair Chisholm.

He says the 'All You Need is Love' sculpture which was put up at the junction opposite the war memorial in November remains without a plaque which has left people having to guess what it is about.

It was made by a local artist, Mike Chapman, and is the twin of a sculpture he made for Dorchester's German twin town of Lubbecke.

“It needs a plaque to credit the artist, give its title and some explanation,” said Cllr Chisholm at Tuesday's meeting of the town council management committee.

Town council staff will now try to achieve that in conjunction with the artist.

The piece was commissioned by the council to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

The Portland stone figure, 60cm tall, sits on a stainless steel plinth on a triangle of grass at the junction of Prince of Wales Road and South Walks Road.