NOSTALGIA has been very much in evidence during the last month in the village.

In part some have been reminiscing back to the good old days' and others reflecting on the past and how much the village has grown and developed.

Bridget Symms and Sandra Sewell have witnessed more local changes than most. They shared their memories illustrated with pictures and souvenirs from the past to the recent WI meeting in the village hall.

Both Bridget and Sandra had been born in the village and attended neighbouring schools. Their families were both associated with local businesses and they had witnessed the planning and development of what is Crossways today.

As plans are made for additional facilities it was interesting to look at what the village had started out with. Best use was made of the redundant buildings left from RAF fighter station Warnwell to host events and functions.

Major building was seen in the 1970s and the influx of new residents saw the development of facilities to help. The settlement was unique in West Dorset compared with the more traditional, established villages surrounding the area.

WI members were particularly interested in the photographs of village events and occasions including fetes, pantomimes, concerts and meetings.

The next meeting is on Monday, June 9 at 7.30pm in the village hall with Mrs Welton talking on the living sea.

  • RESEARCHING this presentation led to the discovery of a newspaper clipping from the Echo.

It was a photograph of the inaugural meeting of Crossways parish council which took place 25 years ago.

A copy of this was given to council chairman Daniel Smy at the start of the May meeting who brought it to the attention of those present.

The story carried then concerned the battle that the council was having in creating a new playing field on Dick O'Th Banks road.

  • HOWEVER it was plans for the future which were in the minds of councillors with consideration of the state of the bus shelter in Dick O'Th Banks Road.

It was agreed to have the structure inspected whilst the cost of a replacement was investigated.

Copies of the formal questions and answers from the 2008 annual parish meeting have been placed in the library as well as being available on the village website.

You can also view the detailed response given regarding planning applications for a care home, public house and light industrial development on the land adjacent to Oaklands Park.

  • GARDENERS of Crossways are invited to open their gates in aid of the fund to build a new church in the village.

On Sunday, July 13 there is to be an open gardens day which is being co-ordinated by Ann Hunt.

Ann is hoping that they will be able to add some new gardens to those who kindly opened last year and raised around £450. In addition help is needed with stalls and refreshments and volunteers would be welcomed with open arms.

Please contact Ann on 01305 853553.

  • UNDS are also being raised for this cause through the village craft group run by Ann.

Some members meet regularly and the next opportunity is on Thursday, June 26 at 2pm.