FOLLOWING the severe winter, grit bins were again on the agenda at the recent meeting of Bradford Peverell Parish Council.

Dorset Works will only supply salt and grit mix to marked official bins in the village and the grit is for public paths and highways only.

Therefore a survey is underway to establish the best positions for these bins and the council will decide on the new sites soon.

The Parish Plan steering group has been awarded £2,355 to produce the plan and this money is from central government and is ring fenced.

The initial basic questionnaire, which was sent round, had a 40 per cent return, which is statistically very good.

The full questionnaire is being prepared and will be delivered and collected from villagers personally by group members, which should improve the response percentage.

The Roman Aquaduct, which passes through the village, also came under discussion.

Stuart Ackerman reported that only half of it is protected by having been 'scheduled' by English Heritage.

Unhappily, when this was done, the wrong part (up the track) was scheduled - the part that has already disappeared and unfortunately this cannot be changed and English Heritage have no funds to do anything about it.

If left it will suffer erosion and damage, so a query was raised as to whether any money could be found to fence parts of it off.

An urgent request was then made for anyone who would be willing to undertake the task of Village Hall Maintenance Officer as this position is vacant and is a very important one.

The council were happy for Kevin Kirk to continue grass cutting in the amenity fields and an annual inspection of the playground equipment had been booked at a cost of £45.

Kevin has also quoted for the trimming of the hedge around the millennium field, which badly needs cutting.

The village phone box remains in place and the district council has blocked any further removals of public phones so the matter of 'adoption' is on hold.

The next meeting is on Thursday May 13.