I REFER to Matthew Piles’s comments that highway planners are listening – it’s a bit hard to listen when local people are not aware of planning displays or the information is rather disguised.

The exhibition at North Quay had a number of maps, only one of which had the traffic lights included. When asked why, we were told they didn’t want to clutter the maps!

At the same time we were told that the traffic lights would be favouring straight through Weymouth to Portland.

If you wanted to speak at the public inquiry in January you had to give two days notice, but you could not be told what time that day you would be able to speak, only that it would be between 10am and 4pm.

The notice of change of directions etc, due to the traffic lights were advertised in the Echo. However, at no time were the words ‘Weymouth Transport Package’ included – hence no-one noticed.

Local people will find that anyone living at Chapelhay or Rodwell will all have to exit the area via Rodwell Road. Similarly the Park district residents exit via Lennox Street and if you travel towards the clock from King Street you will have to turn left.

If Lanehouse Rocks Road traffic lights cannot cope in mid afternoon (except when they break down) I fail to see how removing roundabouts will help central Weymouth.

One other interesting point is that at no time have I noticed any local councillors voicing publicly any opinion. Therefore if we all find ourselves gridlocked you may well ask what did my councillor do? Nothing.

R TIPNEY, Glendinning Ave, Weymouth