• WE are what is known as a ‘doubly thankful village’ as no one who was living in Langton died in either of the wars.

We have an Honours Board but no Memorial, so on Remembrance Sunday, we join with the rest of the Benefice in one of the other churches. It was a very moving service at Portesham, with Canon David Collard preaching and then we went down to the War Memorial, accompanied by the British Legion standard bearers and the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, to lay the wreaths.

  • KEITH Whittock’s lovely cards are on display in the church with information on how to order; there are 4 new local designs this year and many others, all being sold in aid of the church in Sudan.
  • THIS year Martin Fielding is again kindly organising the Christmas Card Boards outside St Peter’s Church.

You design your card (front only – if you are not artistic cut up an old one!), write your seasonal message to your fellow villagers, and give it to Martin with a donation to church fabric fund – last year over £200 was raised, which was brilliant – and he does the rest.

No reason why our friends in the other villages can’t join in. It is a great idea, saves the planet, saves shoe leather and makes sure you don’t leave anyone out!

Any queries to Martin on 871403.

  • MICHAEL Killoch has organised a fortnightly Art Group in the village hall on Fridays from 2pm-4pm.

I gather last week they were doing watercolours of the fabulous autumn leaves and haven't they been glorious.

We look forward to seeing an exhibition sometime!