• THE Woodland Trust have promised The Society for the Protection of Markham and Little Francis 105 native tree whips to replace elm trees lost through disease. The group hope to plant the new trees along the banksides of Cockles Lane on Saturday, March 12,(or the following day if the weather so dictates). Volunteers are needed to help with this please - bring your own spade!

Telephone 01305 779936 or 01305 775553 for details.

  • COPIES of Westham Community Group’s new bi-monthly newsletter Westham Link have been delivered to each of the 5000 households in Westham. If you can help with its production, have a story to contribute or want to buy advertising space, please ring 01305 774725 or e-mail david@174grays.clara.co.uk. The community group also needs volunteers to deliver the paper so please contact the above if you can do this. Comments on the first issue are also welcome.
  • SOME people are wondering why the newly laid cycle track by the swimming pool at the Marsh has now been dug up to install new storm drains. Councillor David Harris informs me the council waited as long as practically possible for Wessex Water to do this work but when they kept delaying the county had to go ahead with the cycle track and footpath. The track will be reinstated by Wessex Water who will cover the cost of restoration. The new drains will hopefully minimise the likelihood of flooding on the track.
  • THERE was a good turnout for the latest Spirit of Wyke WI meeting. The president reported she had received a lovely letter and gifts from Awamoa and Alma Country Women Institute, South Island, New Zealand who want to form a link with the group.

The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday, March, 7 in the function room at the Wyke Smugglers.

The speaker will be a specialist breast care nurse talking about "Breast Awareness and Risks". New members are always welcome.