KATHERINE ANNE HOOD, also known as CAITLIN LA MARACHELLE, aged 46, of no fixed abode. Admitted using a motor vehicle on Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester, without third party insurance. Fined £110. Licence endorsed with six penalty points. Also admitted driving a motor vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence. No separate penalty.

ROLLO JAMES ONEIL WILKINSON, also known as JAMES ROLLO WILKINSON, aged 23, of Grey School Passage, Dorchester. Admitted driving a motor vehicle after consuming so much alcohol the proportion in breath was 82 microgrammes. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £300 and ordered to pay costs of £85. Disqualified from holding a driving licence for 18 months.

LAUREN DOWNES, aged 26, of Holbaek Close, Dorchester. Found guilty in absence of using a colour television receiver without a licence. Fined £400 an