PUPILS at the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy have been getting to grips with pinhole cameras as part of an exciting project.

Frances Aitken, an artist from The South Dorset Ridgeway project, has been visiting IPACA to run a series of workshops.

IPACA pupil Solomon said: “In the first workshop we were introduced to the Camera Obscura and using cardboard boxes had the opportunity to make our own.

“The cardboard box had to be big enough to get your head inside! It was amazing to be able to see behind you and we didn't expect the images to be upside down but now we know why.”

Academy Director for Digital Learning and Innovation, Gary Spracklen said: “It’s wonderful to see our learners engaged with local artists exploring traditional forms of image capture, it's a wonderful balance to our technology rich learning environments.

“At the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy we are always keen to explore fresh opportunities and community links to promote learning.”