THANKS to the Army Children Archive for sharing this First World War postcard with Looking Back.

It was sent from Portland and shows two boys play-fighting with toy swords.

It appears that the boy on the left is telling his playmate, “Ye’d better hide yer White Flag or ye’ll be gettin’ mistook for a German!”

A message has been written in black ink in a childish hand on the reverse of the card.

Unedited it reads: ‘Dear Father / Don’t get being taketook for a German we were yesterday Rose nearby had her arm broke with a stone some bloke threshied [?] at her at Portland [in Dorset]. we don’t stay out late we were in bed at 10 last night it dont seem true do it.

Tuesday the weather was alful was did not go out at all. / From your Daughter Em’ The postcard is signed ‘FG’ on the right by the artist and the printed text on the back includes the following information: ‘Copyright. E Mack King Henry’s Road, Hampstead, London’, ‘1187’ and ‘Printed in Great Britain.’