WE make another return this week to the first edition of the Dorset Daily Echo and Weymouth Dispatch, printed on Saturday, May 28, 1921 and kindly given to us here at Looking Back by the very generous John Dumpleton of Weymouth.

n The paper features a delightful snippet on a parrot! It reports that the landlord of a Weymouth hotel possesses a talking parrot, which has a ‘special predilection’ for the Echo.

“‘Polly’ will shout the name of the paper whenever she is asked to do so.

“This intelligent bird evidently knows a good thing when it sees it.”

n The library-less state of Weymouth is lamented in the paper, when it reports on this issue, which was raised at a special meeting of the now non-existent Weymouth Town Council.

The report says that the need for a library and reading room was ‘insistently enforced’ at the meeting.

It adds: “It is interesting to read in the historical records of the town that these facilities were abundantly provided in the time of George III.

“The town may have progressed since then, but it can scarcely be said to have done so in this particular direction.”

n WE also discover through a report that the weather the week before May 28 1921 was 'lovely' and had shown the town looking at its best.

But, the report says, there are not as many visitors as hoped accessing the resort by train because of ‘industrial conditions’.

We learn that a coal settlement is on the horizon and it is hoped the town will ‘rapidly fill and a prosperous season result.’

n More 1921 news next week.