I WOULD say that I love the idea of festivals - the fun nights out, a bucket load of glitter and amazing performances of bands you have been wanting to see for years.

I have been to three festivals, and the first two were amazing.

I came back from them covered in mud, with hair matted into what looked like distressed straw, yet still with a smile on my face when telling my parents about what I got up to over the weekend.

The festival this year though, was placed on the most rainy weekend - and my God, did it rain.

I am honestly very surprised that I didn't catch pneumonia - but instead just came back with a very heavy cold that I couldn't shake for a few weeks.

This time around, I didn't come back with a smiling face, but a very tired one desperate for bed and annoyed at how weather dependent these events are. I basically paid around £300 to sit in a muddy field with a leaking tent, having to walk around with bin bags on my feet as I stupidly forgot my wellies. So although I'm not as experienced as other festival-goers, who go to a couple every year, I feel like I do have some wisdom to anyone planning to go next year:

1) This one sounds obvious, but as demonstrated by my mistake it is easy to forget a vital item - WELLIES. This will help you keep warmer feet as well as preventing getting what feels like foot rot as your trainers are sodden in water, mud and god knows what else.

2) WET WIPES. These are so important, I cannot stress it enough. Unless you want to line up for an hour and have £10 showers, these are going to keep you from smelling like a sewer

3) Sounds weird I know, but tinned peaches. These saved me and helped my hangovers an immense amount as it makes you feel just that little bit healthier.

4) Pack everything in your wardrobe that is remotely warm, especially if the weather forecast predicts rain (it will save your weekend)

I, on the other hand, will stick to a sunny holiday next year. Good luck to everyone else though.