I think a sugar tax wold be an extremely beneficial thing to introduce.

Added sugar seems to be in most food and drink right now - even if you’re not deliberately looking for something sweet you can often find it in places you wouldn’t expect and it’s just not necessary.

It’s in so many things because people have become addicted to it and suppliers of the food know that’s what a lot of people want.

However, having refined sugar in so many things can get unhealthy very quickly and can lead to obesity.

This is the main reason I think a sugar tax would be a good idea. I don’t think people being addicted to sugar would be a problem if they just tried having less of it, even just for a month or so.

Relatively recently, I stopped having a lot of foods which are very sugary and now, when I do have them occasionally, I actually find a lot of them too sweet.

I think this country could be a lot healthier with the addition of a sugar tax. The levy is squarely aimed at high-sugar drinks, particularly fizzy drinks, which are popular among teenagers.