On Saturday evening (March 29) my wife and I joined the Weymouth Pavilion’s packed auditorium to watch the Quay Theatre Arts School Show 2014 and what an absolutely enchanting, entertaining and totally captivating couple of hours it turned out to be.

About 180 youngsters per-formed a diverse range of about 30 polished, accomplished and ebullient routines, that would have survived very well on any West End stage.

As an audience we just sit back and enjoy what must have meant so much hard work and long hours for so many dedicated people. Over the years my wife and I have seen many QTA productions, but this one must surely rate as one of the very best.

Congratulations to you all for a splendid evening, and a special thank you to Phil Say for ensuring that the Pavilion doors remain open for productions.

Peter Jarvis

Woodward Place
