My husband and I would like to bring to attention of the echo the wonderful actions we witnessed of a Thomas Hardye School student, Toby Ingram and his friend.

We were walking through South Street when we heard a commotion going on. We crossed to assist but watched in awe as Toby and a friend were assisting a man who had collapsed.

Toby took complete charge of the situation without a thought for himself, putting the man in the recovery position as it appeared he was unconscious having a serious seizure and struggling to breathe.

They kept him breathing and from injuring himself further by protecting his head. Passers-by appeared to be very reluctant to get involved as they were not sure if the man had been drinking and there was vomit etc.

Toby’s friend called the ambulance and gave a running commentary to the emergency services of what was happening. They looked after the chap and all his belongings until help arrived.

These young people showed a maturity, confidence and a caring nature way beyond their years and we were incredibly impressed. Young people often get bad press and therefore it is important acts like this are acknowledged. Their parents should be very proud.

Dawn and Mike Cluett

Address supplied