With reference to your article “burrowing badgers force road closure” (September 6).

Although this seems like a nice, light-hearted story, it may turn out to have serious repercussions for the badgers, who are near neighbours of mine and probably the ones who visit my garden most nights.

Since publication of this story, I have discovered that the council has far-reaching powers to deal with the problem, including killing them, despite the fact that they are a protected species.

Their fate will probably be decided on a financial basis.

They have been living there for a very long time, and the problem only came to light when the road was recently resurfaced and the badgers were forced into a bit of extra excavation.

Please can I ask that anyone who feels that these animals, who are having a tough enough time at the moment, deserve a better fate than this, get in touch with Dorset County Council and plead their case before its too late.

Karin Snellock
Ashton Farm Cottages