Although I come from Wales, I have had a caravan in Weymouth for many years.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the consultation at the Victory Hall in Putton Lane in October but would like to have an input into what has been proposed by Dorset County Council in positioning a gypsy and caravan site in the old army camp in Camp Road, Wyke Regis.

Having experienced similar problems back in Wales, and what has been seen in other parts of the country, it is with dread to think that such a campsite is to be located in such a location, or in fact anywhere near any built-up area.

All, or most known sites inhabited by gypsies are left with a massive build-up of rubbish, costing the authority tens of thousands of pounds every time the travellers move on as they have no intention whatsoever of maintaining the area in a clean and safe manner.

This will be an on-going cost to the likes of us who wish to live in a clean, safe and healthy environ-ment.

It is my dear wish, and I am sure the wishes of others, that this location remain as it is at present and find another location away from built up area.

To overcome this continual cost, the Local Government should charge the individuals for this service, but I cannot honestly see this happening.

Ken Holder, Address supplied