SINCE my letter "Get Proportional", I've been accused of being a 'bad loser’.

I certainly didn’t vote for a party which hoped to ‘rule the roost’.

I hope my vote reflected a desire to govern using the nation’s entire pool of intelligence and ability available instead of just a few fragments.

I was also told to stop going on about PR since we voted against PR in the 2011 referendum.

We were not asked to vote yes or no for PR! We voted for AV (Alternative Vote) where one lists one's order of preference for any or all of the various candidates in his electorate, i.e. 2,1,3,4 etc. This is a world away from PR which apportions MP's according to the votes cast for each party. AV (PR) is common in Europe and combines both. FPTP suits the trench warfare mentality of the Tory and Labour politicians.

Their power wars have stretched to making marriages with the media and ‘special interests’ which have exacerbated social division, loss of mutual respect and acrimony.

Getting signatures for the non-political Public First Group's petition for a referendum to change WDDC's system of governance from Cabinet to Committee, I met some nice people.

Most accepted after chatting with me, how FPTP failed to reflect the electorate’s preferences. They almost invariably signed up for change despite their different political affiliations including those who were Conservative.

We are now a healthier multi-party nation which persists with the anachronism of a voting system which disenfranchised 63.1% of those who voted from the process. 24% of the electorate didn’t bother which is hardly surprising.

Yesterday, I arranged to meet a lawyer to discuss whether my human rights have been abused by all of this. Imagine my surprise to read in today’s paper, “Tory Plans to Scrap Human Rights Act”. News travels fast! I’m afraid they will now ‘kill two birds’ by bringing back transportation.

This will balance excessive immigration but also put me on the first boat! I’m off to buy travel insurance!

Mike Joslin
