THOUSANDS of shoppers have become used to walking on the road in the lower end of South Street in Dorchester. It’s just automatic to step of the pavement in that pedestrianised zone without fear of being hit by a vehicle, motorcyclist or cyclist.

Then we read [Echo November 11] that Dorset County Council has decided “for the time being” that it will not be raising the bollards which have protected walkers in that part of the street for some time. They will rely instead on “signage and enforcement”.

Dorchester Town Council is quite right to raise concerns about this move. You report that the Town Council had told the County Council that it believes that such an approach may lead to both accidents and to confrontations between drivers who don’t observe the law and pedestrians. Too right.

The County Council should ditch such a “trial” and reinstate the rise and fall of the bollards. It will be too late when someone is injured or even killed.

Ron Kirby