Well, it was a long time coming but at last George Osborne’s austerity plan with his ‘photo-shoot’ yellow coat and hard-hat is getting revealed as fantasy. Ironically, it is the Labour party’s capitalism that will do the trick. It’ll be a surprise only to George that investment in infrastructure pays off with a 'multiplier' effect.

For six years, we’ve paid the unoccupied to stay at home and government statistics have been ‘massaged’ by allowing companies to abuse one million so-called ‘employees’ with poor pay, no holidays, no security, zero hours, no pensions and on call 24/7! Our roads are atrocious, the NHS is on its knees, and we've ordered a nuclear power station with the involvement of China,(which doesn't favour democracy) and a French company, (apparently in trouble with suspect design engineering). Energy will then only cost twice the current rate, however. Their combined cost would be enough to install 2 or 3 tidal barrages, just one of which would supply all of Wales with ‘free’ power. We've failed to collect £trillions of unpaid tax from greedy individuals and corporate giants but helped the rich to buy bigger pensions and get huge pay increases whilst their companies have failed and our exports decline.

David Cameron has pandered to his recalcitrant Little Englander M.P.'s and called for a referendum on staying or leaving the EU. The advantages from a scientific and business point of view of staying are enormous. Most of the politicians who are so eager to comment both for and against membership don’t even know how to run a business. I’m taking advantage now of Enterprise Europe Initiative, a free service to help innovators link up with partners across Europe to develop new technology. Let’s hope it’s not another ‘baby thrown out with the bath water’ in a few months. What a shambles when political ideology replaces experience and practicality.

Mike Joslin

Garfield Avenue
