I WOULD like to give a warning to motorists using the Maumbury Rings junction at Dorchester.

A friend of mine was exiting from the Maumbury Road side of the lights . She was waiting in the correct lane for a left hand turn into Weymouth Avenue.

When the lights changed and the green arrow appeared she set off and turned left into Weymouth Avenue and immediately signalled right to turn into Edward Road. After a short distance a blue light appeared in her mirror and she was pulled over by a traffic police motorcyclist.

Her crime?

Whilst waiting in the left hand lane at the lights with its painted left turn arrow on the road itself she had not been signalling left.

The policeman, who appeared to be based at Poole, congratulated her on the proper way she had turned right into Edward Road but promptly ordered her to go on a driver awareness course!

Yesterday I stood at the junction and had a good look. Very few motorists signalled whilst waiting in lanes at the lights because it is all so obvious. Painted lanes and large painted arrows make things clear.

I find it amazing that my friend has to go on this course. Had the policeman stood by the lights he could have caught many many motorists for the same crime in the space of five minutes.

Terry Putnam

Springfield Road,
