D SADLER (Letters, July 25) needs reminding that we haven’t left yet.

Even when Article 50 has been triggered, it will take years to negotiate a decent’ leaving ‘of the European Union, which must include at the very least Britain’s continued membership of the Single Market.

As usual contemptible rubbish about Russia and British democracy! We aren’t a true democracy anyway. We are a badly elected dictatorship, with an unelected House of Lords. That was exacerbated by a Referendum which didn’t have a minimum 75 % turnout and a 60 % minimum vote either in or out and which damagingly excluded 16 - 17 year olds from voting - unlike the Scottish Referendum. A 4 % difference doesn’t represent a fair result in such circumstances.

One of my darkest days involvement in British politics was hearing hundreds of local English voters bleating ‘We want our country back’ like a flock of Portland sheep cheer-led by Nigel Farage, two months ago at Weymouth Pavilion.

Unfortunately, there is something extremely parochial in some of our fellow citizens’ DNA. The need for international co-operation in an insecure world misses their consciousness entirely.

Democratic decisions are supposed to be made by informed electors, not people who on Facebook don’t even know what the abbreviation EU stands for!

Also, the Leave Campaign promoted retrospectively proven lies such as Turkey was about to join the EU (the military coup has made that claim ridiculous) and £350m to be invested in the NHS weekly.

Would that millions of fellow voters hadn’t naively swallowed them.

Richard Denton-White

