There have been a number of letters in the paper recently commenting on works on Weymouth seafront.

Firstly, the trench work and cable laying that has recently been undertaken, has been due to a fault identified by the electricity company.

The work is not due to the installation of the Veils of Light columns, which, all together, will use only approximately 60 watts of power – clearly a significant saving in electricity and costs.

The promenade surface will be properly reinstated.

Other areas of the promenade that were also not completed when the main works were done, due to the fact that refurbishments of statues etc were underway, will also be completed.

Secondly, the Light Veils’ project is intended to be primarily viewed from Weymouth promenade and beach, with those walking along the promenade, having a different experience of the lights, as they are viewed from different angles, in different phases of the programme and during different night time/weather conditions.

I am sure there are some people who will maintain their own views about this project, but perhaps it would be beneficial to at least await its completion, before finally passing judgement.

Simon Williams, Head of Weymouth and Portland 2012 Operations